Community Growth Through Sharing Stories

"I have learned that storytelling can help heal old wounds. Of course, painful stories can be told too soon, while the wound is so raw that it rubs salt into the listeners' sore places. The time for the telling, the time for the healing, is when the pain has been replaced by understanding, forgiveness, and acceptance. That is the time when the telling spreads balm on the souls of both teller and listener." ~Allison Cox
Lives are so rich with God's blessings - and these come in many ways: tiny, enormous, instantaneous, ongoing, joyful, and painful. When we take a moment to look back on our lives, or even look at today and see how things have come together or are working towards a greater good, we are blessed with gratitude.
And when we take the time to hear others' stories, to know their hurts and see their growth, we are blessed with fellowship and healing.
"As long as we look out at each other only through the masks of our composure, we are looking through hard eyes. But as the masks drop and we see the suffering and courage and brokenness and deeper dignity underneath, we truly start to respect each other as fellow human beings." ~Francis Scott Peck
The art pieces you will find here are a product of hearing others' stories and capturing a small piece of them through the scribbles, whisps, and blends of a conte crayon. Though some stories have similarities which allow us to relate to each other, each is unique as the person who lived it.
It is the artist's hope that these pieces can allow us to see each other a little more clearly and to grow in thanks and gratitude which allows for the blessings God provides, and allows us to mesh together in a community of understanding, love, and hope.
If you have a story to tell, or know someone who does, contact Rachael.
Lives are so rich with God's blessings - and these come in many ways: tiny, enormous, instantaneous, ongoing, joyful, and painful. When we take a moment to look back on our lives, or even look at today and see how things have come together or are working towards a greater good, we are blessed with gratitude.
And when we take the time to hear others' stories, to know their hurts and see their growth, we are blessed with fellowship and healing.
"As long as we look out at each other only through the masks of our composure, we are looking through hard eyes. But as the masks drop and we see the suffering and courage and brokenness and deeper dignity underneath, we truly start to respect each other as fellow human beings." ~Francis Scott Peck
The art pieces you will find here are a product of hearing others' stories and capturing a small piece of them through the scribbles, whisps, and blends of a conte crayon. Though some stories have similarities which allow us to relate to each other, each is unique as the person who lived it.
It is the artist's hope that these pieces can allow us to see each other a little more clearly and to grow in thanks and gratitude which allows for the blessings God provides, and allows us to mesh together in a community of understanding, love, and hope.
If you have a story to tell, or know someone who does, contact Rachael.